Personal Financial Planning

To Provide full individual financial planning, our advisors will help you know your financial situation:

  1. Your stage of life
  2. Family responsibility
  3. Family income
  4. Family net worth

Our advisors will tailor financial planning to suit your needs:

  • Compose an income and expenses statement, determine how much you will need to save each month for retirement and how much you will need in retirement
  • Compose a balance sheet, allocate investment portfolio
  • Consider when to borrow
  • Consider when to pay off debt
  • Use registered investment products for tax deduction or tax defer, and obtain government benefits
  • For estate planning, use the protection features of the insurance company investment products for better estate settlement

You will have different financial needs and challenges in four different stages of your life:

Growing Stage: One’s life is focused on education and learning skill. Unless one has an early marriage or has a need to share parents’ financial and responsibilities, there is generally no financial burden.

Cultivation Stage: Start working, getting married, having children, and home procession leads to an increase in family burden and expenses. There is always the question of inadequate income due to limited working experiences.

Harvest Stage: When children grow up and family responsibilities reduce gradually, there is an increase income due to experience in profession, and therefore, wealth accumulates gradually.

Retirement Stage: Children move out and live on their own, parents can retire and ready for succession planning.

By focusing on your stage of life, our advisors will give you financial suggestions in four areas: